If You  Follow A Coax to it's End,           You'll Always find A Friend

Liverpool 2019

Thanks for stopping by. My name is Tony. I have been a licensed HAM since 1981. My Amateur Radio activities include HF operations and DXing. I am a past President of The San Francisco Radio Club having served the position 10 years. I am also  President of the Northern California DX  Club                                            

09-20-2020: It's time for a change, so out with the old (Next Generation Yagis) and in with a serious antenna:      SteppIR 3 Element with 30/40  "Trombone" which gives me nice coverage 6m-40m. It is , truly, a BEAST!


                                  My Other Passion
I started drumming in 1964. After a time away, I returned to drumming with a basic Pearl 5 Drum kit in Red. Recently I assembled a kit just like the one I started with. Here is my Vintage ('64) Ludwig Club Date in Blue Oyster Pear. What a sound!!

OCT. 2019: No visit to Italy is complete without a stop to visit the wonderful Begali family. Here at lunch with patriarch Piero Begali I2RTF at his favorite ristorante  just a mile or so from the shop.

SEPT 2019:  A surprise visit to the famed Bletchley Park Facility and the R.S.G.B. station. This is a fascinating "must visit" stop in the U.K.!!

SEPT.:2019: It was a year of returns. My wife and I visited the U.K. and Italy in September/October. My last visit to England was 1988. Among our stops were Liverpool, London, Bletchley Park, Ashwell and here in Newark for the annual Hamfest. We were warmly greeted by fellow CDXC Members Chris G4FZN (Left) and his wife Pauline G8HQW (not pictured). That's Jack K6ZQ on my left, who now resides in Ashwell.

May 2019 : I returned to HAMVENTION, my last visit was in 1987! At the DX Banquet I ran into friends Marco IK2CHZ and Francesco IK0FVC (Trustee of HV0A)

12_16_2018:  I am  inducted into the San Francisco Radio Club Hall of Fame. 

SEPTEMBER 6, 2018: During my first trip to Italy I was invited to operate from much-wanted HV0A! As you can see it's a very nice shack located at the Pontifical North American College on Vatican property.

My host: Francesco IK0FVC.  He is a very friendly and accommodating person. I am  happy for the opportunity to meet and get to know Francesco.

While in Rome I made a point to vist MAS.CAR which is one of the local Amateur Radio Stores. Owner Nicola IZ0OWE broke out an Icom IC-7100 for me to play with. Nicola is a very gracious host with whom my wife and I were treated to dinner that evening along with Luca IK0YYY.